About CF Transition Australia
CF Transition Australia offers a flexible yet thorough CF transition toolset built by a team of CF experts including physicians, allied healthcare providers and parents.
For People Living with CF:
CF Transition Australia gives you tools to better understand your disease. It helps you become more responsible for your care as you prepare for the transition from a pediatric to an adult care team
For Parents and Support Persons of People Living with CF:
CF Transition Australia provides a road map of CF-focused milestones for you and those living with CF, along with an educational toolset you can work on together
For CF Care Teams:
CF Transition Australia includes a helpful toolset to help you evaluate and track your patients’ CF knowledge and skills over time
CF Transition Australia At a Glance
1. Login
Visit cftransition.com
Access cftransition.com from a smartphone, tablet, desktop or laptop computer
2. Assess
Test your knowledge & skills
Take Knowledge Assessments and check progress with Responsibilities Checklists
3. Review
Learn more
View your results and customised educational information
4. Set Goals
Formulate a plan
Review your results and set self-care goals
5. Take Action
Review & work on goals
Execute all agreed-upon goals and contact your care team with questions
Endorsements & Accomplishments
- Reviewed and approved by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF)’s Education Committee
- Approved as OneCF Center LLC Smart Change initiative
- Approved by the American Board of Pediatrics as a Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Part 4 Web-based Activity
- Reviewed and endorsed by CF Together
- Review and approved by Monash Cystic Fibrosis Transition Working Party
- Over half of the CF care centers in the United States have received program training to date
- CF RISE Pilot Program findings published in the December 2015 issue of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology
Why Transition?
Parents can work toward transferring CF responsibilities to their child, and in turn, their child can grow into an independent young adult living with CF.